About Us

AgriHub is a digital platform providing farm extension services by the Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management connecting the farmers from the field with the experts from the University, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. AgriHub is a step forward towards publicising the knowledge, research findings and expertise to the farm community in Sri Lanka by the Faculty Project AHEAD DOR-51 (AHEAD: Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development) funded by the World Bank.

Through the Project AHEAD DOR-51 the Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management has been able to successfully develop an “Integrated Woking Model to Improve the Socio-Economic & Environmental Sustainability of Intensive Agricultural Systems with Special Reference to Kalpitiya Peninsula”. A dedicated research team from the Faculty engaged in field surveys, experiments and farm trials for years to develop a multidisciplinary approach to ensure the socio-economic & environmental sustainability of intensive agricultural systems in Kalpitiya peninsula.  

AgriHub provides the solutions to the farmers in the areas of; crop monitoring, ecofriendly fertilizer management, expert irrigation & fertigation, agronomic practices and crop microenvironment, agricultural knowledge and capacity building.


General Objective

To develop an integrated multidisciplinary approach to ensure the socio-economic & environmental sustainability of intensive agricultural systems in Kalpitiya peninsula

Specific Objectives

  • To introduce ecofriendly & evidence-based fertilizer management systems
  • To improve agronomic practices & microenvironment to minimize usage of agrochemicals
  • To introduce expert systems for fertigation and crop suitability planning
  • To develop the capacity & knowledge base of farmers in terms of environmental friendly sustainable agricultural practices

The Research Team

Dr. DR Gimhani


Dr. NWBAL Udayanga

Deputy Coordinator

Prof. (Mrs.) HMIK Herath

Key Person Work Package 1

Prof. (Mrs.) PIP Perera

Key Person – Work package 2

Dr. NWBAL Udayanga

Key Person – Work package 3

Prof. JC Edirisinghe

Key Person – Work package 4


Dr. B Ranaweera

Work package 2

Dr. Surnatha Salgado

Work package 2

Mr. Nipuna Chamara

Work package 3

Ms. L.H.N. De Silva

Work package 4

Mr. Virajith Kuruppu

Work package 4

Mr. I.J Amadoru

Work package 3

Research Assistants

Ms. DSGGC Swarnathilake

Work package 1 & 4


Work package 4

Technical Assistant

Ms. I.I.A. Fernando

Work package 2